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Tag : Lived experience

Lived experience changing attitudes and outcomes in health

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 -  An ambassador program led by people with Down syndrome is tackling dire health outcomes for people with intellectual disability and providing inclusive employment. The power of


Leading with lived experience

Isabelle Oderberg, Friday, 26th August 2022 -  Najeeba Wazefadost fled Afghanistan at 10 years old by sea to seek refugee status in Australia and is now using her lived experience to lead for change in helping others. She is this

‘All these people with lived experience are not being heard’: What family violence survivors want policy makers to know

Contributor, Wednesday, 15th June 2022 -  Survivors of violence, and those working to support survivors, want to see programs that focus on getting the first response right, every time, writes Sarah Moulds. For a long time,

Theatre as a vehicle for social impact

Julia McNamara, Wednesday, 30th June 2021 -  The ability of theatre to connect across sectors, priority areas and audiences to create a shared experience allows a unique opportunity for social impact, writes Julia McNamara,

New Standard for Employing People with Mental Health Issues

Wendy Williams, Friday, 21st April 2017 -  An Australian not-for-profit service provider has “set a new standard” for employing people with mental health issues after actively seeking people with a lived experience to take


Always Respect Your Elders

Wendy Williams, Monday, 17th October 2016 -  Anne Fairhall is a Victorian volunteer and carer advocate for people living with dementia. She is this week’s Changemaker. Fairhall’s husband Geoff developed younger onset frontotemporal
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    The Centre for Volunteering is the peak body in NSW promotin...

    The Centre for Volunteering (includes Volunteering NSW)

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