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Tag : Lockdown

Australia’s COVID response could be undermining democracy. Why is civil society staying silent?

Robyn Gulliver, Monday, 13th September 2021 -  The social sector needs to find the will to drive politicians to deliver funding and policy decisions that will lead us to build back better, write Neil Pharaoh and Angus Crowther.

NSW offers support to charities – but much more is needed

Contributor, Thursday, 2nd September 2021 -  In this open letter sent to all Australian politicians, the Charities Crisis Cabinet endorses the additional funding announced by the NSW government but calls for more support to

Victoria’s COVID lockdown reminds us how many rely on food charity. Here’s how we plan for the next inevitable crisis

Fiona McKay, Wednesday, 9th June 2021 -  To ensure we can assist all in need during the next inevitable crisis, we need to make sure charities are better funded, and can quickly respond to increased need, writes Fiona McKay.

Australia urged to steer clear from overly punitive lockdown measures

Luke Michael, Monday, 18th January 2021 -  Human Rights Watch has criticised some of the ‘discriminatory’ aspects of Australia’s COVID-19 response      Australian governments should assess all future COVID-19 lockdown

Poverty is trapping women in abusive relationships

Cathy Humphreys, Wednesday, 26th August 2020 -  The Australian government’s JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments need to be recognised as crucial tools for preventing domestic and family violence – and need to be maintained, writes

The COVID-19 lockdown is ‘breaking families’ of people with disability

Luke Michael, Friday, 21st August 2020 -  Advocates say the disability community is frustrated by confusing and inconsistent information during the crisis        People with disability and their families felt forgotten
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