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Tag : Louise Walsh

Philanthropy Australia Appoints New CEO

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 1st April 2015 -  Philanthropy Australia has appointed Sarah Davies as CEO of the organisation following the departure of Louise Walsh. But the current CEO of the high-profile Reach Foundation will…

Hunt for New Philanthropy Australia CEO

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 18th November 2014 -  The hunt is on for a new CEO of Philanthropy Australia following the resignation of Louise Walsh last week after only two years in the top job. The President of the peak philanthropic…

Philanthropy Australia CEO Resigns

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 13th November 2014 -  The CEO of Philanthropy Australia Louise Walsh has resigned after only two years in the top job. The President of the peak philanthropic body, Alan Schwartz, announced Thursday that…

Universities Don’t Just Need Biggest Givers

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 -  One of Australia's highest profile philanthropists, Andrew Forrest has called on Universities to get better at dealing with small and medium financial donors, rather than…

Financial Services Inquiry Targets Impact Investment

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th July 2014 -  Reducing regulatory burdens and providing greater guidance are among the recommendations for the improvement of the impact investing market made by the Federal Government’s…

Philanthropy Australia’s Upcoming National Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th July 2014 - 

2014 Philanthropy Australia National Conference Early Bird offer ends this Wednesday, July 16

More than 50 leading Australian and international speakers will join up to…

Philanthropy Leadership Awards Launched

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -  Donor peak body Philanthropy Australia has launched a national awards program to honour outstanding philanthropic leaders for their significant achievements in the Australian…

Aussie Billionaire’s Mega Bequest

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th May 2014 -  The bequest by Australian businessman and philanthropist Paul Ramsay of an estimated $3 billion to his charitable foundation is hugely exciting for the Not for Profit sector and…

EXCLUSIVE: NFP Tax Concession Report Revealed

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -  A report into charity tax concessions that was buried after the Gillard Government lost office has been released under Freedom of Information and includes a call for the extension…

Top 10 Gifts Vote Hots Up

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th October 2013 -  The People’s Choice voting for Australia’s top 10 philanthropic gifts has had more than 6000 votes cast – with just four days left to vote. The Top 50 Philanthropic…

Top 50 Gifts Voting Takes Off

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th October 2013 -  The People’s Choice voting for Australia’s top philanthropic gifts has taken off with more than 400 people adding their vote in just four days. The Top 50 Philanthropic…

PAFs Given Charity Register Privacy Option

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th September 2013 -  It’s still unclear how many philanthropic funds are expected to apply to continue to keep their philanthropy private using an amended regulation through the national charity…
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