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Tag : Low income

Federal Budget 2017 Through the Eyes of People on Lower Incomes

Contributor, Friday, 5th May 2017 -  Treasurer Scott Morrison will be the keynote speaker at the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) Post Budget Breakfast on 15 May. Find out more and book your tickets here.

Fears for Sydney’s Disadvantaged – Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th August 2014 -  New research has revealed a deep and persistent disadvantage for low income households in Sydney at a time when the looming Federal Budget looks set to hit those on the margins hardest.…

Charity Calls for More Clarity on Uni Fee Increases

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th August 2014 -  National children’s education charity, The Smith Family, has called on the Federal Government to provide greater clarity to families and young people from low income and…

Snapshot Reveals Severe Rental Stress

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 30th April 2014 -  Australians on low incomes, and those on government payments and the minimum wage, can not afford to cover the costs of the current rental market, the latest Anglicare Rental Affordability…

Inclusive Business Grant To Assist Asia’s Poor

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th April 2014 -  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and development partners are using a new $3.6 million grant to support around 20 private sector businesses in Asia targeting poor and low-income…

No NFP Rep on Audit Commission – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th February 2014 -  Welfare peak body, ACOSS has criticised the Federal Government’s Commission of Audit for not appointing a representative of the community sector to be part of the inquiry.…

Big Benefits from Small Loan Program – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th April 2013 -  A new study into a small loan program operating across Australia has found that the scheme is making a big difference to thousands of low income Australians. The report is based on a…

Micro Finance Services for Disadvantaged Opens in Victoria

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th May 2012 -  A government-backed ‘one-stop shop’ providing microfinance services to disadvantaged Victorians has opened in Geelong. The Good Money community finance hub was…
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