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Tag : Major Giving

Online Resource for Philanthropists

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 14th April 2011 -   
A new website designed to help philanthropists make better decisions and get better results from their giving has been launched by US-based Not for Profit strategy and consulting

Major Giving Report in Australia – Donor & Fundraiser Perspectives

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th March 2011 -  Australia needs donor ‘champions’ to encourage more people to make major gifts according to new research by the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies…

Major Donors Tell Why They Give

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th May 2010 -  Australia’s major donors give because they believe they have vital contribution to make, but feel underutilised by charities who only want their money, according to a new…

Major Giving In Australia – New Research Points to Untapped Opportunity

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th March 2010 -  Landmark philanthropy research by the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (CPNS) finds major giving in Australia is untapped, unidentified and uniformed.…
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