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Tag : Maree O'Halloran

Rent Assistance Recipients Suffer ‘Housing Stress’ – Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st March 2014 -  The National Welfare Rights Network says its latest research shows that the Federal Government’s Rent Assistance scheme is failing the people who need it the most. NWRN recently…

Govts Must Step Up Employment of People with Disabilities

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd March 2014 -  The National Welfare Rights Network (NWRN) has called on the Federal Government to set realistic and achievable targets for the employment of people with disabilities in the Australian…

NFPs to Shoulder Work For The Dole

Lina Caneva, Monday, 27th January 2014 -  Not for Profit aged care homes and other charities will be expected to offer unpaid work to Australia’s unemployed as part of the Federal Coalition Government’s new,…

Welfare System Shake-Up

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  The Federal Coalition is about to overhaul Australia’s social welfare system claiming there’s a “debilitating cycle of endless welfare dependence”.…

Welfare Payment Changes Take the Rap for Jobless Rise

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2013 -  A welfare agency is claiming changes to welfare payments were partly responsible for 55 per cent increase of Australians claiming the Newstart Allowance. According to National…

Welfare and Foreign Aid Budget Losers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2013 -  International aid and welfare payments are expected to be the losers in today’s Federal Budget – the sixth budget by Treasurer, Wayne Swan. International Aid agency…

Welfare Rights Centre Defunded

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th April 2013 -  The executive of a specialist Not for Profit welfare service, Welfare Rights Centre has sought an urgent meeting with the NSW Government after news it is to be defunded after 30 years…
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