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Tag : Men

Blokes just wanna have fun (too)

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 -  A program to alleviate loneliness in men has proven wildly popular. As Australia’s loneliness epidemic grows, a transport company in south eastern Sydney is providing men with companionship

Tune In Now – Toolkit for Homelessness Workers

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -  A guide about depression and anxiety for people who work with homeless men has been launched nationally. The toolkit, called Tune In Now, was created by Homelessness Australia in…

Aboriginal Men Take Control of Health

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th July 2013 -  More than 100 Aboriginal men from across Australia have joined together at a national summit to make their concerns heard on improving the health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait…

Gender Pay Gap Remains High

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2012 -  New data shows that the gender pay gap between women and men remains stubbornly high at 17.5 per cent, according to a Government workplace agency. Data released by the Australian Bureau…

Australians More Optimistic About Their Future Happiness

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd July 2012 - 
Photo: Australians’ optimism about their future prospects and happiness has risen to an 18 month high after slumping to a low point in March, according…

Free Beer Lures Male Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th December 2011 -  Flickr Image: Some rights reserved by alceste99  How to get young men engaged in volunteering has stumped many organisations. But Wollongong woman Melissa…
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