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Tag : Michael Walsh

Gauging the Not for Profit Budget Impact   

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 19th May 2016 -  The Not for Profit sector is yet to see the full impact of federal and state budgets, nearly 200 leaders from the sector heard at a post-budget analysis of funding and policy changes.…

Investment Decision-Making Tool for Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th February 2014 -  A new tool to help smaller charities and faith-based organisations decide on their asset allocation when investing has been produced by an ethical funds manager. Ethical funds management…

NFP Database to Close its Doors

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th January 2013 -  A database site of Not for Profits in Australia, Givewell Research Centre, has announced that they will be going offline and not taking or renewing subscriptions to their services.…
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