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Tag : Migrants

Doco of the Month: Rosemary’s Way

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 24th June 2021 -  Rosemary Kariuki is on a mission to empower migrant women. She is the inspiration behind the documentary Rosemary’s Way. Here, Ros Horin and Jackie Turnure tell Wendy Williams about

Refugee Week: The value of unity in creating a better country for everyone

Sri Samy, Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 -  This week is an important reminder that we need to come together to recognise our common humanity and build an inclusive society, writes Sri Samy, founder and CEO of Friends of Refugees.

It’s time to help migrants and refugees bearing the brunt of COVID-19

Ezekiel Simperingham, Thursday, 9th July 2020 -  It is clear that the pandemic is affecting some more than others. We need to look beyond our own communities and provide support to those who are far from home, often isolated and at grave

Volunteering helps new arrivals develop a sense of belonging in Australia

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 29th May 2019 -  Australia’s refugee and migrant communities are embracing volunteering as a way to combat feelings of isolation, despite many organisations lacking the resources to offer suitable

Community Groups Slam Crackdown on Migrant Welfare

Luke Michael, Friday, 30th November 2018 -  The community sector has implored Labor to reject a bill forcing migrants to wait four years to access key welfare payments.   Under federal government measures backed by Labor on


Empowering Refugee and Migrant Children in Australia

Luke Michael, Monday, 18th June 2018 -  Alice Wojcik is the CEO and founder of the Refugee Migrant Children Centre (RMCC), a charity helping to empower refugee and migrant children to create their own opportunities. She

Welfare Advocates Push Back Against ‘Divisive’ Migrants Bill

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 12th June 2018 -  An alliance of more than 30 peak bodies and welfare groups have called on the Senate to reject legislation which would force new migrants to wait four years to access various social…

Migrant and Refugee Students Struggle to Find Work in Australia

Luke Michael, Friday, 24th November 2017 -  Migrant and refugee students are almost 25 per cent less likely to find full-time employment after graduation compared to Australian-born students, according to new research.

New Alliance Amplifies Voice of Migrant and Refugee Women

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 12th October 2017 -  Issues affecting refugee and migrant women are set to be championed by a new national women’s alliance being backed by not for profits from across Australia. The Harmony Alliance:

2014 Westpac Community Grants Available

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th February 2014 -  Banking giant Westpac will award more than half a million dollars in funding to Not for Profits committed to improving the lives of disadvantaged Australians, as part of its 2014 Community…

QLD Employment Project Grants for Migrants and Refugees

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th February 2014 -  A new Queensland Government program will provide funding for Not for Profit and Council projects to help migrants and refugees find employment or become involved in business ventures.…
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