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Tag : Minister for Social Inclusion

Celebrate National Volunteer Week

Lina Caneva, Monday, 14th May 2012 -  This week is National Volunteer Week – a week in which to celebrate the dedication and hard work of the 6 million Australians who generously give their time each year. The Minister…

National Compact Two Years On

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd March 2012 -  This week marks the second anniversary of the National Compact between the Not for Profit Sector and the Federal Government revealing that it now has 640 partners, but not everyone…

Government Backdown on Volunteer Management Funding Arrangements

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st March 2012 -  The Federal Government has backed away from its controversial funding arrangements announced as part of the Volunteer Management Program (VMP) following strong pressure from…

Volunteer Peak Bodies to Amalgamate into New Funding Model

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd February 2012 -  Funding for Volunteering Australia and state and territory peak bodies will be amalgamated into a new National Project Fund under new funding arrangements announced by the Federal…

NFPs Asked to Join Reform Council

Lina Caneva, Monday, 18th October 2010 -  The Gillard  Government is seeking expressions of interest from the Not for Profit sector to join its Sector Reform Council – promised during the Federal Election campaign.
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