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Tag : Monash

Record donation to make mental health headway

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 3rd July 2019 -  An institute to detect and treat severe mental health conditions like schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder faster and earlier has launched, thanks to the largest philanthropic

Philanthropic Scholarship to Boost Indigenous University Students

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 11th December 2018 -  Monash University and Gandel Philanthropy have partnered to support the next generation of Indigenous change agents, as part of the largest philanthropic fundraising campaigns

Australia is a Cohesive Nation But Less Resilient Than a Decade Ago

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 29th November 2017 -  Australians are continuing to embrace immigration and cultural diversity however racism is on the rise and there is a lack of trust in the political system, according to the Scanlon

Social Media a Tough Internal Sell for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th August 2013 -  While social media is now seen as a necessary communication tool, many Not for Profits struggle to get senior management and the board on-side to understand the importance of the real…

Social Cohesion Survey Shows Drop in Voluntary Work

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th September 2011 -  The number of Australians giving their time as volunteers has fallen, according to a new survey on social cohesion. The Scanlon Foundation Mapping Social Cohesion Report found that…
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