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Tag : Muslim

As many Muslims return to mosques today, they will need ongoing support

Contributor, Friday, 22nd March 2019 -  Fatima Junaid from Massey University, offers advice on how organisations can support Muslims returning to work after the terror attack in New Zealand, in this article first published

Banning Headscarves is Bad for Business

Wendy Williams, Friday, 17th March 2017 -  Barring headscarves in the workplace would be bad for business, according to Diversity Council Australia speaking in the wake of a landmark ruling by the EU’s highest court allowing

NFPs Call on Govt to Stand Up for Australian Values in Wake of Trump’s Muslim Ban

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 31st January 2017 -  Not for profits are calling on the federal government to stand up for Australian values and make a “stronger commitment” to fulfil its human rights obligations in the wake of Donald

Aussie Philanthropist Joins Churches to End World Slavery

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th March 2014 -  Australian billionaire philanthropist and mining magnate Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest has joined in a collaboration of the main world religions to set up the "Global…
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