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Tag : Mutuals

Co-ops and mutuals sector remains strong despite COVID crisis

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 -  A new report says many cooperatives adopted measures to make their business more sustainable and aid society in 2020   The world’s top 300 cooperatives and mutuals recorded a total

Predictions for 2021: Co-ops and mutuals

Melina Morrison, Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 -  Co-operative and mutual enterprises offer a way to build a more resilient, innovative and stable economy in the 21st Century, writes Melina Morrison, in the latest in our series of

How are co-ops responding to the coronavirus?

Paul Thambar, Tuesday, 31st March 2020 -  We look at how 10 cooperatives across Australia are supporting their communities in the face of an international health crisis.  For many cooperatives and mutuals in Australia,


Getting Mutual – Co-Ops in the Mix of NFP Mergers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th November 2015 -  As the Not for Profit sector debates the call for charity mergers, co-operative and mutual enterprises should not be forgotten as a viable alternative, writes Gillian McFee, Chair

‘Invisible’ Sector Answer to Economic, Social Issues

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 4th November 2015 -  A lack of diversity and competition is holding back Australia’s economy while one of the solutions, co-operatives and mutuals, remains largely “invisible”,…

Why Co-operative and Mutual Businesses Are Key to Welfare Reform

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th March 2015 -  With confirmation of a Senate Inquiry into Co-operatives and Mutuals and the endorsement of member-owned businesses in the McClure Report on welfare, it is time to think seriously

Aus Co-operatives A Hidden ‘Ninja’ Economy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th November 2014 -  The co-operatives and mutuals sector has been hailed as an undervalued ‘ninja’ economy by advocates as a report is released showing the sector makes the same contribution…


Backing Up or Carving Out? The Role of Government in Supporting Social Enterprise

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 19th November 2014 -  Recognition of the role of social enterprises and intermediaries is needed in Australia to clarify their place in, and importance to Federal policy and the economy more broadly writes
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