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Tag : National Press Club

Government seeking collaboration to stop environmental decline

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 19th July 2022 -  Australia’s environment is sick and getting worse, but the government is flagging a desire to work with the sector to address the mess. The federal government has left the door open

Forrest Calls for Lift in Australia’s Future Vision

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 12th October 2016 -  Australia must combine ethical business practices with macro philanthropy to create a powerful force for common good, Australian philanthropist and mining magnate Andrew “Twiggy”…

Political Parties Need to Forge New Relationship with Charity Sector – Forum

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 14th June 2016 -    There is a need for a more respectful relationship with the Australian charity and Not for Profit sector, a political forum in Canberra has been told. The Community Council

NFPs Undecided as Politicians Get Put into the Hotseat

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 14th June 2016 -  A third of Australia’s Not for Profit sector is still sceptical about which parties would work best for it’s future, a survey has revealed, as the politicians representing the major

National Election Debate to Consider Future of Charity Sector

Lina Caneva, Monday, 6th June 2016 -  Australia’s Not for Profit sector is taking the debate on its future directly to Canberra and the National Press Club in the lead up to the 2 July poll. Peak body, the Community Council

NFP Survey Warning – Canary in the Coal Mine for Government

Lina Caneva, Monday, 8th September 2014 -  Not for Profit leaders have called on the Federal Government to heed the findings of a national survey into the attitudes of Australian charities towards Tony Abbott’s first…

A Charitable View of the Abbott Govt’s First Year in Office

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 26th August 2014 -  The Not for Profit sector is invited to a challenging discussion with three acclaimed charity leaders about the year that was and what may lie ahead – some 12 months since the…

NDIS Rollout Risks – Bonyhady

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th July 2014 -  Rolling out the National Disability Insurance Scheme too fast risks driving up costs through inflation, the chairman of the board of the National Disability Insurance Agency, Dr…

Discrimination Commissioner Calls for Jobs Plan

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd July 2014 -  Outgoing Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes says Australia must listen to employers and meet their needs, and make it safer for people with disability to venture…

Govt Flags ‘Bold’ Changes To Foreign Aid Policy

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th June 2014 -  Australia's foreign aid program will undergo a "bold and dramatic change", with recipient countries and aid agencies set to sign up to performance benchmarks –…

Coalition Reveals NDIS Blowout

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st November 2013 -  Assistant Minister for Social Services Mitch Fifield at the National Press Club. The National Disability Insurance Scheme will take longer to fully implement and cost more than…


Shift the Political Debate – Better NFP Outcomes Need Better Infrastructure

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th August 2013 -  The current political debate needs to shift towards capacity development for the Not for Profit sector rather than focusing on the charity regulator, the ACNC, says Connecting Up…
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