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Tag : NDIA

NDIS report lays bare supported accommodation failures

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th January 2023 -  Thousands of complaints have been made about supported accommodation in Australia, according to a new inquiry. A bleak new report has revealed the scale of issues in Australia’s

“The buck stops at Bill Shorten”: participants plead for NDIS fix

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 2nd November 2022 -  Participants say the NDIS is not delivering on its key purpose, but the government’s review provides an opportunity to go back to the drawing board. NDIS Minister Bill Shorten must

Budget spends big on NDIS, less for mental health

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 26th October 2022 -  The budget delivers on several election promises for people with disability. Labor’s first budget funds a number of initiatives related to the government’s pledge to improve the

Budget leaves disabled Australians hungry for NDIS reform

Elly Desmarchelier, Tuesday, 25th October 2022 -  After almost a decade of budget starvation, you can imagine how we were salivating at the thought of a progressive government who had spent large chunks of the recent election campaign

We know best

Christina Ryan, Monday, 26th September 2022 -  Now is the time for us to be in charge, and for non-disabled people to get out of the way, write Christina Ryan and El Gibbs, as a non-disabled person takes up the CEO role at the NDIA.  Finally,

Lived experience added to NDIA board as Fearnley becomes chair

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 26th September 2022 -  Advocates say the move to include more people with disability on the NDIA board is a positive step forward for representation. Former Paralympian Kurt Fearnley has been announced

Financial impact of timely NDIS funding for housing and support

Di Winkler, Wednesday, 17th August 2022 -  A focus on short-term budget wins will cost the NDIS billions in longer term support costs, while keeping people with disability living in unsuitable housing, writes Di Winkler.

Disability services not always suited to digital, report reveals

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 8th July 2022 -  Better preparation is needed to ensure continuity of services for NDIS participants in times of crisis. A new report has revealed that many of the services required by NDIS participants

Time for action on disability employment

Christina Ryan, Monday, 20th June 2022 -  Our new federal government needs to invest in employment of disabled people, starting with the next CEO of the National Disability Insurance Agency, writes Christina Ryan, CEO of

Critics speak out against ‘concerning expansion’ of NDIA CEO’s powers

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 16th November 2021 -  “Participants are being asked to support the rushed introduction of a bill which would fundamentally change the NDIS”  Disability advocates fear proposed changes to the National

‘We know it’s bullsh*t’: Advocates say independent assessments will be a disaster for NDIS participants

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 2nd March 2021 -  “These changes have a real danger of changing the nature of the NDIS and the idea of what the NDIS was intentionally meant to be”  With independent assessments soon to become compulsory

New NDIS independent assessments slammed by disability activists

Luke Michael, Friday, 4th September 2020 -  The NDIA says the assessments help to develop an overall picture of a person’s function in a number of areas of their life  Disability advocates fear the introduction of independent
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