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Tag : Not for profit leaders

Backgrounds and bonuses: What do we know about not-for-profit leaders?

Tracy Qu, Tuesday, 1st June 2021 -  Dr Alexandra Williamson and Dr Tracy Qu explain what the 2021 Salary Survey tells us about the experiences and education that not-for-profit leaders bring to their roles, and whether

Giving NFP leaders the tools to thrive in good times and bad

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 10th November 2020 -  The Australian Scholarships Foundation (ASF) has teamed up with the McKinsey Academy to offer 30 scholarships for the Executive Leadership Program (ELP) in 2021. During this

Fulbrighters become leaders in their fields

Contributor, Thursday, 9th April 2020 -  New research into the impact of the Fulbright Scholarships for not-for-profit leaders in Australia reveals returned scholars do remarkable things. Adam Davids, a proud Indigenous

Mission Accepted – How to Find Your Focus and Increase Your Impact

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th April 2017 -  Challenging not-for-profit leaders to regain “Mission Control” will be just one of the thought pieces presented at the 2017 AuSAE Conference and Exhibition (ACE) on 11 to 12 May in


From Not for Profit to Social Purpose in an Ageing System

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th December 2013 -  As Australia’s population ages, it’s time for Not for Profit leaders to step up and help shape the social outcomes systems of the future, writes Centre for Social Impact

Business & Arts Partnerships Awarded

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th November 2013 -  Australia’s best business and arts partnerships have been announced as part of the Creative Partnerships Australia National Awards. Carol Schwartz AM, Chair, Creative

Melbourne Awards Highlight NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2013 -  Not for Profit leaders and organisations have featured among the shortlisted finalists for the 2013 Melbourne Awards. Contribution to Community by an Individual nominee Chris
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