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Tag : Oliver May

Taking stock: Four tips to prevent fraud and theft in our bushfire response

Oliver May, Thursday, 6th February 2020 -  Drawing on his experience of crises worldwide, Oliver May reflects on what we can learn about fraud prevention in our bushfire response. Maybe it was the time I walked into a hot warehouse,

Conflict avoidance: How effectively is your charity managing conflicts of interest?

Oliver May, Tuesday, 8th October 2019 -  Oliver May asks whether your charity should be concerned about conflicts of interest, and what it can do about them. Of all aspects of integrity in the Australian charity sector, “conflicts

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Three good reasons to be grateful for whistleblowers

Oliver May, Tuesday, 11th June 2019 -  Australia’s new whistleblower protection legislation means many charities might need to change their approach to managing disclosures. But some of us also might need to change


Eyes On the Road or Hands Off the Wheel

Oliver May, Monday, 21st May 2018 -  Is your NFP up to speed on Australia’s new anti-bribery legislation? Oliver May from Deloitte Australia outlines what some of the changes mean and what NFPs should do now. I once visited

Detecting Fraud in NFPs Shouldn’t be a Game of ‘Moving Statues’

Oliver May, Tuesday, 9th August 2016 -  Opinion: Why do Not for Profit boards need to get proactive about the risk of fraud, writes author and global fraud expert Oliver May. A few years ago, I met a director of a major Australian
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