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Tag : Opinion article


Community Legal Centres – A View from the Trenches

Julie Edwards, Thursday, 19th May 2016 -  Opinion: Community legal centre lawyers ensure that Australia’s most vulnerable are protected by the law and supported to improve their often dire situations. We know because


The Budget Night ‘Circus’ – But the Devil’s in the Detail for NFPs

David Crosbie, Thursday, 28th April 2016 -  Opinion: Amid all the posturing and rhetoric that comes with federal budget night, the Not for Profit sector will be focusing on whether this government’s previous pattern of unwelcome


Identity in a Time of Social Sector Change

Dale Renner, Tuesday, 26th April 2016 -  Opinion: Change is upon the social sector but we can’t just busy ourselves with NDIS readiness projects. The Not for Profit sector needs to wrestle with questions of identity to keep


Time to Refocus, Mr Turnbull

Rachel Siewert, Thursday, 21st April 2016 -  Instead of trying to get tougher on unions and workers, the prime minister should be turning his attention to the social services sector which is struggling to provide support for


Inclusion and Social Harmony in the Aftermath of Brussels

Violet Roumeliotis, Tuesday, 19th April 2016 -  In the aftermath of the senseless violence seen in Brussels, the Not for Profit sector has a big role to play in promoting meaningful social and economic participation through employment


Paving the Way for a National Social Innovation Strategy

Krystian Seibert, Thursday, 25th February 2016 -  Australia needs a National Social Innovation Strategy which considers all the policy levers at the government’s disposal to support social innovation and enterprise, writes Policy


From Struggle Street to Shining Light – Does Mt Druitt have the Answers?

Kevin Robbie, Thursday, 28th January 2016 - 
If the charity and government sectors are serious about ending community disadvantage in Australia we need to “move from being competitors to collaborators”, writes Kevin Robbie,


Social Ventures Sector Needs a Peak Body

Theo Campbell, Wednesday, 27th January 2016 - 
A fixation with sustainable business models should not hinder the growth of social enterprises in Australia. Instead, entrepreneurs should be advocating for a well resourced peak


Assessing Social Enterprise Impact – Are We Looking at the Right Stuff?

Alan Kay, Wednesday, 27th January 2016 -   
How can social enterprises ensure they are maximising their social and environmental impact? Alan Kay, coordinator of the UK’s Social Audit Network, explores “social accounting”


Changing Role of NFP Marketing& Communications Managers

Prudence Hayes, Monday, 25th January 2016 -  With the advent of digital and content marketing and the plateauing of donations across Australia, the Not for Profit sector and fundraising have changed dramatically and so have


What Must Australian Volunteerism Lose to Win?

Tobi Johnson, Tuesday, 12th January 2016 -  It may be time to update how we attract, support and recognise volunteers as valuable community partners and tap into emerging leadership models for Not for Profits, writes volunteer
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