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Tag : Pas Forgione

Local Councils Across Australia Support Raise to Newstart

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th June 2018 -  The campaign to raise Newstart has gained further momentum, after delegates from local councils across Australia passed a motion urging the federal government to raise the income

Greens Call for Universal Basic Income

Luke Michael, Thursday, 5th April 2018 -  Greens leader Richard Di Natale has proposed a radical overhaul of Australia’s welfare system through the introduction of a universal basic income scheme, but critics believe this

Community Groups Warn That Welfare Changes Will Increase Homelessness

Luke Michael, Thursday, 22nd March 2018 -  Community groups have warned that the likely changes to Australia’s welfare system will push more people into homelessness, after the Turnbull government’s controversial welfare

Australia Warned Not to Follow NZ Welfare Reform

Wendy Williams, Monday, 23rd October 2017 -  Australia must be careful not to follow in New Zealand’s footsteps when it comes to welfare reform, an international advocate has warned. Vanessa Cole, the coordinator for Auckland

Charities Say Inadequate Income Support Payments are Leading to Poverty

Luke Michael, Thursday, 28th September 2017 -  Mission Australia, St Vincent de Paul Society National Council and Anglicare Australia say inadequate income support payments are leading Australians into poverty, which comes

Alliance Calls on Govt to Stop Criminalisation of the Unemployed

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 8th September 2016 -  Poor Australians are being criminalised by the social security system, according to an alliance of organisations that are demanding the government address the country’s growing

NFPs Launch Target 80K Jobs Campaign

Wendy Williams, Monday, 6th June 2016 -  Not for Profits in South Australia have launched a new campaign to push the government to create an extra 80,000 jobs across the state. The Anti-Poverty Network SA, with support from
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