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Tag : Patrick McClure

Charities Encouraged to Have Their Say on ACNC Review

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 20th February 2018 -  Charities have been encouraged to make a submission to the review of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission legislation, as newly published submissions reveal

ACNC Review Panel and Terms of Reference Released

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th December 2017 -  The terms of reference and the panel for the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s (ACNC) five year statutory review have been announced by Treasury. The Australian

NFPs React to McClure Welfare Review

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 25th February 2015 -  The Federal Government has released the long-awaited final report of the review of Australia’s welfare system including controversial recommendations around Disability Support…

Welfare Reform Submissions Low

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th August 2014 -  The Federal Government has received just 60 submissions to its controversial welfare reform draft report – many are from individuals outside the Not for Profit sector. The…


When Job Seekers Outnumber Jobs 5 to 1, Punitive Policy is Harmful

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th July 2014 -  Evidence shows that long-term unemployment is more about social and physical barriers than the character of the job seeker, so the justification for punitive welfare policy becomes

Interim Report Offers No Answers on Job Creation – Anglicare

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th June 2014 -  Welfare organisation Anglicare Australia has slammed the Federal Government’s interim report on the welfare review saying it doesn't answer the big questions on adequate…

Welfare Review Hits Disability Payments

Lina Caneva, Sunday, 29th June 2014 -  The Federal Government’s interim review into Australia’s welfare system has recommended cuts to the Disability Support Pension – where only people with a permanent…

ACOSS National Conference – A Chance for Important Discussion

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th May 2014 -  As the community sector comes to terms with the recent Federal Budget, the Australian Council of Social Service will bring together representatives of the sector to develop a better…


It’s About NOT Leaving Anyone Behind

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  Up until now the Federal welfare review has been  a mystery to the social sector but there’s still a lot that can inform the next stage of the review, writes Anglicare Australia

Welfare Increases Still Too Low – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  Australia’s peak body for community services and the welfare sector has expressed concerns over the small rise to income support payments, such as Newstart and Parenting…

Welfare System Shake-Up

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  The Federal Coalition is about to overhaul Australia’s social welfare system claiming there’s a “debilitating cycle of endless welfare dependence”.…
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