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Tag : Paul Davies


Sustainability reporting – getting that elusive return on investment

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 7th May 2014 -    Communicating sustainability performance in a way that builds trust and is relevant and accessible to stakeholders helps deliver business value, writes Paul Davies, Principal


Stop your sustainability report becoming a taxi driver conversation

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th September 2013 -  Relevance, transparency and target setting are key characteristics of meaningful sustainability reports, says Paul Davies, Principal of sustainability performance company,


Connecting two emerging corporate value creation concepts – Shared value & integrated reporting

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th August 2013 -  In recent times two concepts are gaining more attention from companies who are looking at new ways to both think about and account for their direction and purpose beyond profit says


Converging Sustainability Reporting with Integrated Reporting – Is it Imperative?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th June 2013 -  Accountability is a highly desirable outcome for any 21st Century business, yet current accounting requirements and expectations are inhibiting many businesses from delivering…


Pluses & Minuses of the New GRI G4 Guidelines

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th June 2013 -  The delivery of new G4 guidelines provides a timely and valuable opportunity for companies to re-think why they report, what they report and how they report, says Paul Davies –…
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