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Tag : Paul Newman

Aussies Share in Newman’s Own Funding

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st January 2016 -  Twenty-three Australians charity workers, in fields as diverse as children’s cancer, homelessness, disability and animal welfare, have shared in grants worth over A$1…

Newman’s Own NFP Grants Offer Almost $1M

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 5th May 2015 -  The Newman’s Own Foundation, the charity set up by US actor Paul Newman from the profits of his company that produced salad dressing, has announced its 2015 Australian charity…

Paul Newman Foundation Offers $1M in Aussie Grants

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 1st May 2014 -  The high profile US Foundation created by the late actor and philanthropist Paul Newman, is offering $US1 million in grants for Australian Not for Profit projects focused on nutrition.…

Newman’s $1m Legacy for Aussie Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd May 2013 -  $1 million is to be distributed to Australian charities as part of the 30th anniversary of the Foundation set up by Hollywood Star Paul Newman – Paul Newman’s Own- in Australia.…
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