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Tag : Pokies Reforms

Pokies ‘Losses’ Greater in Disadvantaged Areas – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th April 2012 -  UnitingCare Australia, the national body for community services in the Uniting Church, has called for “tighter consumer protection measures” on poker machine gambling…

Pokie Compromise a Setback – NFP

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd January 2012 -  Welfare Not for Profit, UnitingCare Australia, has expressed deep disappoint that Federal politicians were unable to agree to evidence based poker machine reform, and action mandatory…

$1 Bets Would Avoid Unacceptable Delays to Pokie Reform – Greens

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th January 2012 -  The Australian Greens claim that the government should not use a trial of pre-commitment to delay pokies reform. Greens' spokesperson for gambling, Victorian Senator Richard…

Church Feud on Poker Machine Reform

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th December 2011 -  The major Christian churches in Australia are at loggerheads with Australian of the Year Nominee, Fr. Chris Riley over poker machine reform. The major Christian churches in Australia…

Coalition Government Would “Rescind” Pokies Reforms

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th October 2011 -  A Coalition Government would try to overturn the mandatory pre-commitment scheme designed to combat problem gambling – Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said last night. The…
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