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Tag : Poverty

Choosing change

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 13th February 2023 -  There is a common thread that often runs through referrals to child and family services and it’s something we can fix if we choose to.    The reasons families become involved

Disaster recovery, covering the basics and who’s who and what do they do?

Contributor, Monday, 7th March 2022 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


A new report from the ACOSS/UNSW Sydney Poverty and Inequality Partnership shows that during the first

The COVID poverty wave revealed

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 3rd March 2022 -  Despite early progress to reduce inequality during the pandemic, new research reveals more people than ever are locked into poverty  While government stimulus packages in 2020

Australia is failing marginalised people, and it shows in COVID death rates

Contributor, Monday, 21st February 2022 -  You’re more likely to survive COVID if you were born here, grew up speaking and reading English, are educated, and earn a good income, write Gemma Carey and Ben O’Mara. Newly released

Getting back on track: The data we need to end poverty by 2030

Joanna Pradela, Wednesday, 14th July 2021 -  We need quality gender data if we are serious about our commitment to “leave no one behind”, writes Joanna Pradela, director of knowledge translation and equality insights at the

‘We are so much better than this’

Cassandra Goldie, Monday, 22nd March 2021 -  The passing of the paltry JobSeeker rate through Parliament last week was Australia’s greatest fairness failure yet, writes ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie.  Last week, Australian

Australians in poverty need a bounce-forward recovery

Kate Harrison Brennan, Wednesday, 20th January 2021 -  The economic recovery risks leaving many Australians behind. But it doesn’t have to be this way, write Dr Kate Harrison Brennan and Dr Jeni Whalan, issuing a call to action for the nation’s

Housing vulnerable Australians means making clear choices

Brendan Coates, Monday, 5th October 2020 -  Continuing our series exploring the role that housing can and should play within Australian society, Brendan Coates shares his thoughts on why the challenge of housing vulnerable

Aussies want greater support for the one in six kids living in poverty

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 28th January 2020 -  More than half of Australians report seeing children and families impacted by poverty in their local area Almost 70 per cent of Australians underestimate the level of child poverty

Irish politicians urged to make disability rights a priority

Luke Michael, Friday, 24th January 2020 -  The poverty level for people with disability in Ireland has more than doubled in the past decade Advocates are calling for Irish political parties to commit to ending disability poverty

Australia’s welfare system failing to protect vulnerable people

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 4th December 2019 -  New research says low welfare payments are driving people into poverty and homelessness Australia’s social security system is increasing, rather than decreasing, the risk of homelessness

We rise and fall together

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 17th October 2019 -  Helping vulnerable Australians when times get tough and preventing people falling through the cracks is not just compassionate – it’s wise, writes Community Sector Banking CEO
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