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Tag : Private Sector

Housing equality – a better future for all Australians

Mark Steinert, Monday, 2nd August 2021 -  Mark Steinert, the recently retired managing director of Australia’s largest residential developer Stockland, shares his thoughts on the role the private sector has to play in

Corporate ‘Prizes’ Driving Innovation

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 2nd July 2014 -  As the global trend for corporate prize winning competitions to drive innovation increases, a new US report offers guidance for the public sector, Not for Profits and philanthropic…

Inclusive Business Grant To Assist Asia’s Poor

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th April 2014 -  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and development partners are using a new $3.6 million grant to support around 20 private sector businesses in Asia targeting poor and low-income…

Philanthropic Mentoring Program

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th February 2014 -  The Australia Council for the Arts and Creative Partnerships Australia have partnered in a mentoring program to build leadership in arts philanthropy. The program is offering up…

Australian Charities Warned Against UK Mistakes

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 4th September 2013 -  The outspoken CEO of the UK’s Directory of Social Change has urged the Australian Not for Profit sector to avoid the mistakes of charities in the UK at the National Conference…
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