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Tag : Pro bono news

Karen Mahlab AM farewells Pro Bono News

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  Watch this video with our founder and publisher Karen Mahlab AM as she reflects on the legacy of Pro Bono News. Speaking to coincide with the end of Pro Bono Australia’s news service,

‘Small but mighty’: our journalists reflect on their time with Pro Bono News

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  We’ve heard what your favourite stories are, now hear from our journalists! Today, after more than 20 years, Pro Bono News draws to a close. Over that time Pro Bono News has been the voice

Video: A sector says thanks

Contributor, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  For-purpose sector leaders share their appreciation for Pro Bono News. Since the announcement that Pro Bono News would be closing, we’ve been inundated with messages of love…

Goodbye from the editor

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  Wendy Williams reflects on the legacy of Pro Bono News… It is with mixed emotions that I sit down to write this piece. Sad that this is the end of Pro Bono News, but also proud of all that

Love letters to Pro Bono News

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  We share some of the heartwarming sentiments we have received from across the sector in response to the news that Pro Bono News is coming to an end. For the past 22 years, Pro Bono News

Saying goodbye to a platform of our own

Doug Taylor, Monday, 3rd April 2023 -  The Smith Family’s CEO Doug Taylor reflects on the impact of losing a news platform entirely dedicated to supporting the for-purpose sector. I have been working in the not-for-profit…


Losing our most important news platform

David Crosbie, Thursday, 23rd March 2023 -  David Crosbie reflects on the impact Pro Bono News has had over the past two decades. Over a decade ago when the Community Council for Australia (CCA) was being established, the need

Our favourite news stories for 2022

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Tuesday, 20th December 2022 -  The Pro Bono News team breaks down what captured their attention most during a year filled with an abundance of sector-worthy news. There’s plenty to celebrate in our sector this year,

We want to get to know you

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 21st June 2022 -  Pro Bono Australia is carrying out a survey to get to know our readers and ensure we direct our efforts in the best way.  In a bid to streamline and elevate our news service to increase

The new faces of Pro Bono News’ editorial advisory board

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 13th July 2021 -  “This advisory group will help ensure our news service continues to give voice to the vitality and diversity of our sector and speak to the issues of greatest importance to the for-purpose

Pro Bono News admitted to Australian Press Council

Contributor, Friday, 26th February 2021 -  “Membership provides us with a solid foundation to maintain high standards of practice” Pro Bono News is excited to announce it has been accepted as a member of the Australian Press

Look how far we’ve come

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 21st May 2020 -  It can be hard to spot moments of progress in the day to day. But change stands out over decades. As Pro Bono News celebrates its 20th birthday, we launch a series looking at how far the
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