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Tag : Publications

Global Social Progress Index

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st May 2013 -  An new global index that rates a country’s efforts to improve the well-being of its people has placed Australia 7th overall but has dropped Australia to the bottom of the index…

NFPs Concerned Over Tax Concession Draft

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th March 2013 -  Nine out of 10 Not for Profit organisations are concerned they would be worse off if the Federal Government replaced the sector’s income tax exemptions with grants, according…

Investments in Social Technologies Climb – Study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th November 2012 -  A new report by US based IT giant, IBM finds that while companies are increasing their social technology investments, middle management leaders are struggling to embrace these capabilities…

Employment Environment ‘Hostile‘ for Welfare Recipients – Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 27th August 2012 -  The chances of finding employment are “seriously limited” for those currently living on welfare, according to major Church providers of social services in Australia.…

AbaF launches Art Sponsorship Gold Book

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th December 2008 -  Successful relationships between business, donors and the arts take the spotlight in The Gold Book 2008, published in December by the Australia Business Arts Foundation (AbaF)…

Parent’s Guide to Child Support

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th July 2008 -  The Child Support Agency (CSA) has released a new booklet called the Parent’s Guide to Child Support to help separated parents understand the newly reformed child support…

BSL Conference – Green To Gold

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th December 2006 -  At the recent Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Conference in New York, Daniel Esty and Andrew Winston, authors of a new book called Green to Gold, got under the surface of the…

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st September 2006 -  In 1998, John Wood was a rising executive at Microsoft when he took a vacation that changed his life – now he’s written a book about the experience and his highly successful Not for Profit…

Get Stuff – Youth Publication

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2006 -  “Stuff 2006” is all the stuff young people need to know in a new magazine launched in Victoria by the State Government. The free magazine contains information as practical as buying…
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