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Tag : Queensland Government

Qld Prepares for Disability Sector Growth

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th July 2014 -  The Queensland Government says it’s planning to help attract 13,000 people statewide into jobs caring for people with a disability. Queensland Premier Campbell Newman said…

Legal NFP Set to Deliver ‘Queensland First’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2014 -  A legal Not for Profit specialising in older people’s welfare will deliver a Queensland Government program providing free legal advice for residents of retirement villages…

Big Dollars for Healthy Workplaces

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th March 2014 -  More than $1 million will be available in grants for Queensland businesses who think innovatively about creating safe and healthy workplaces. The grants are part of the Queensland…

Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Trial

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  A partnership between community finance lender Foresters Community Finance and the Queensland Government will trial a $15 million funding model to provide housing options for…

QLD Employment Project Grants for Migrants and Refugees

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th February 2014 -  A new Queensland Government program will provide funding for Not for Profit and Council projects to help migrants and refugees find employment or become involved in business ventures.…

Fee-free Community Sector Training For Young People

Staff Reporter, Friday, 24th January 2014 -  Fee-free apprenticeships and traineeships for Queensland high school graduates going into areas including disability, aged care, home and community care, and children’s…

Charities Get Christmas Cash Boost

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th December 2013 -  The Queensland Government has handed out $400,000 to four of Australia’s most well-known charities for Christmas. The Smith Family, Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society…

Grants Open for QLD Disadvantaged Students

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th October 2013 -  Queensland community training organisations providing programs for disadvantaged mature-age students are urged to apply for funding under the second round of the Queensland…

Govt Moves to Ban NFP Gag Clauses

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th September 2012 - 
The Federal Government is set to introduce legislation to ban gag clauses.
Legislation will be introduced to ban gag clauses in Commonwealth contracts with the…

Defying Gen Y Stereotypes to Improve Volunteering Experience for Young People

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th March 2012 - 
A volunteer at the Greenslopes Private Hospital in Brisbane. Photo: supplied Organisations need to move beyond traditional practices and listen to the opinions of young people…

QLD to Change ‘Gay Panic’ Defence

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th January 2012 -  The Queensland Government is set to change the state’s Criminal Code to remove doubts about how and when a partial defence involving a sexual advance can be used, essentially…
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