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Tag : Ranking

Aussie Charities Given Controversial Star Rating

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 5th March 2015 -  A controversial new star rating of Australian charities based on their transparency has been launched and its creator believes it is filling a gap that the national charity regulator…

Aussie Universities ‘Fail’ on Climate Change Risk

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 11th February 2015 -  Australian and UK universities have rated from ‘poorly’ to ‘abysmal’ in a global index of the world’s leading universities over their endeavours…

Aussie Income Security for Elderly Worse than Albania

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd October 2014 -  Older people are better off living in Albania than Australia when it comes to their incomes, a new global report has revealed. The Global Age Watch Index 2014 was released today by HelpAge…
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