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Tag : Recruiters

Is it a good idea for NFPs to recruit over the Christmas period?

Luke Michael, Thursday, 2nd December 2021 -  We ask two leading for-purpose sector recruiters what they think    Organisations looking to fill positions early in 2022 should start the recruitment process now, rather than

Here’s how you can keep connected during coronavirus

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 22nd May 2020 -  We take a look at why keeping up your communication channels during times of uncertainty is key Lockdown restrictions are easing and organisations are starting to think about returning

Recruiting from home: How to nail the video interview

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 27th March 2020 -  Face-to-face interviews are out in the age of COVID-19, so what’s the best way to help your clients through a virtual interview? We take a look. With new social distancing rules

Recruiters Behaving Badly

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 14th January 2019 -  In her latest blog, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones shines a light on bad recruiter behaviour. Recently, I heard more bad recruiter stories from candidates searching for new
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