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Tag : Red Tape

Fundraising regulations are ‘stopping charities from doing their job’

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 27th May 2021 -  Millions of dollars are being wasted each year as charities seek to meet “ridiculous” fundraising regulations that need to be scrapped, says advocate in light of new report Fundraising

Better regulations and less red tape for the social purpose sector? I’d like to see that

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 27th July 2020 -  It’s time to work together to reduce the red tape burden, writes Neil Pharaoh, who wants to hear your stories and solutions about excessive regulation in the sector. I sit on the volunteer

Red tape cut for Singapore charities

Luke Michael, Friday, 4th October 2019 -  Singapore is moving to reduce the red tape burden for charities through a new service that streamlines reporting processes for the sector. A partnership between the Commissioner

Hoping for a bureaucratic miracle? Don’t hold your breath

David Crosbie, Thursday, 15th August 2019 -  The Consumer Affairs Forum is not a group that is likely to drive significant change in fundraising regulation across Australia, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David

Next government urged to prioritise the ACNC

Luke Michael, Thursday, 18th April 2019 -  Not-for-profit leaders are calling on Australia’s next federal government to prioritise the charity sector by cutting red tape, fully resourcing the charities commission and

Victoria Takes ‘Exciting Step’ to Reduce Red Tape for Charities

Wendy Williams, Friday, 8th June 2018 -  The path to one stop reporting for Australian not for profits has moved a step closer with the announcement thousands of Victorian charities will benefit from new streamlined reporting

ACNC Redesigns 2017 Annual Information Statement

Lina Caneva, Monday, 24th July 2017 -  The national charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has revamped the 2017 Annual Information Statement (AIS) following feedback…

Accountability With the Best Intent: Addressing Practical Barriers

Dale Tweedie, Tuesday, 23rd August 2016 -  Analysis: Many Not for Profits face obstacles to being accountable even with the best of intentions but the primary issue is not how to enforce accountability but how to overcome practical

Vic Charities Still Buried in Red Tape

Lina Caneva, Friday, 12th August 2016 -  Victoria’s community sector charities are contributing billions to the state’s economy and creating thousands of jobs, despite battling convoluted and expensive reporting requirements,

New Law Cuts Red Tape for SA Charities

Wendy Williams, Friday, 27th May 2016 -  South Australian charities have seen a significant “win” with the passing of a new law that will slash red tape. The Statutes Amendment (Commonwealth Registered Entities)

Cutting Red Tape to Save Charities $29 Million

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 23rd February 2016 -  Cutting red tape could save Australian charities up to $29 million, according to a new report released by the national charity regulator and Deloitte Access Economics. The Australian…

SA Govt Reduces Charity Red Tape

Ellie Cooper, Monday, 7th December 2015 -  The South Australian Government has introduced legislation to remove duplicate licence and reporting requirements for charities. The legislation will exempt charities that…
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