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Tag : Relationships

Wishing you a very government engagement Christmas…

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 6th December 2021 -  In this final Happenings on the Hill for 2021, Neil Pharaoh looks back on some of the great, and not so great, traits of organisations who excel (or don’t) in their government engagement. 

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Transactional Versus Relationship-Based Sponsorship

Abby Clemence, Thursday, 20th October 2016 -  The new rules of etiquette in successful sponsorships are all about creating a partnership, writes sponsorship expert Abby Clemence. The tides are shifting – are you moving with

Morrison Dumps Marriage Counselling

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 -  New Social Services Minister, Scott Morrison, has dumped a controversial Government plan to offer marriage counselling to couples costing $17 million in favour of funding front…

Corporate Mentoring for NFP CEOs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th March 2014 -  A new Australian organisation has been set up to provide Not for Profit CEOs with one-on-one mentoring opportunities with successful corporate leaders, including board members…

Keep Job Seekers Happy to Protect Reputation: Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th August 2013 -  Organisations risk alienating prospective supporters through poor recruitment practices, new research suggests. Figures released this month revealed that 84% of UK job seekers…

Social Media Use Impacts Families and Relationships

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd February 2012 -  Issues related to social media and technology use are cropping up more often in family and relationship counselling sessions, says a Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) survey.…
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