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Tag : Repeal day

Debate Delay on ACNC Abolition

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th March 2014 -  Legislation to abolish the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission will now be debated in Parliament after the May Budget, as the Federal Coalition Government’s…

ACNC Creates a ‘Red Tape Nightmare’ – Catholic Education

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  A major arm of the Catholic Church has thrown its support behind the abolition of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) after the regulator was named as…

Andrews Rejects Sector Plea to Save ACNC

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  The Federal Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews, has publicly rejected a last ditch appeal by the Not for Profit sector to try to save the national charity regulator. Referring…

Two-stage Plan to Abolish ACNC

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th March 2014 -  The Federal Government says it has a two-stage plan to abolish ACNC in line with its election promise to demolish the charity regulator. As part of the introduction of Repeal Day legislation,…

ACNC In Repeal Day Bonfire

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th March 2014 -  Prime Minister Tony Abbott has placed the abolition of the charity regulator, the ACNC on the top of his repeal day hit list describing the process as the biggest bonfire of regulations…

Mixed Bag for NFPs on Red Tape Repeal Day

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th March 2014 -  The Not for Profit sector can expect a mixed bag of changes, including legislation to abolish Australia’s charity regulator as part of the Federal Coalition Government’s…

Charity Sector Red Tape: Online Survey

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th March 2014 -  Despite being caught up in the Federal Government’s Repeal Day plans, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is calling on charities to share their…


Babies and Bathwater – Repealing is Not the Same as Fixing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  While many in the Not for Profit sector appreciate the Coalition Government has made political promises with regard to the ACNC, it should not throw out the baby with the bathwater,

Repeal Day To Hit NFP Sector Reform

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  Dozens of regulations affecting the Not for Profit sector are expected to be dumped in one omnibus bill in Federal Parliament, along with new legislation to abolish the charity regulator,…
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