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Tag : Research

Disabled workers face systemic barriers at work: report

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 22nd March 2023 -  From unstable work to lower pay and even physical violence, disabled workers in the Australian screen industry face barriers to participation and inclusion. An Australian-first

New rules for not-for-profit tax reporting “need to be re-evaluated”

Samantha Freestone, Friday, 19th August 2022 -  A leading industry figure and tax expert warns there are multiple issues with in-coming tax reporting changes for not for profits, which take effect from July next year. A lack of consultation

Could the Covid-induced virtual world have been good for your career?

Samantha Freestone, Friday, 19th August 2022 -  If you were lucky enough to hold on to your job during lockdown, research suggests the virtual world may have been good for your career. And the virtual corporation, once a theory, is

Australian team creates concrete made from car tyres 

Samantha Freestone, Monday, 15th August 2022 -  New research shows a cleaner, greener way to create roads and infrastructure. Engineers at the Royal Melbourne Institute for Technology (RMIT) in Melbourne have created 100 per

Report finds challenges and opportunities for volunteering

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 10th August 2022 -  A new report from Volunteering Australia is part of the evidence base that will inform the creation of Australia’s new volunteering strategy. Progress continues on the development

First phase funding allocated for family violence research in Victoria

Samantha Freestone, Tuesday, 9th August 2022 -  The Andrews government announces first phase funding to tackle family violence. Thirteen separate research projects to collect up-to-date data to tackle family violence in Victoria

11M social enterprises exist globally – and all share a similar story

Samantha Freestone, Thursday, 16th June 2022 -  A first-of-its-kind report into how many social enterprises there are worldwide has just been released, revealing many similarities exist between businesses in the sector – no

Critical gaps in Australia’s Holocaust knowledge revealed

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 27th January 2022 -  “There is a clear benefit to the social fabric of Australia by improving Holocaust knowledge”  Despite Australia being home to the largest number of Holocaust survivors per capita

Community organisations fear innovation backtrack

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 15th December 2021 -  Experts say significant investment in technology, resources and upskilling is needed if progress is to be maintained While community organisations successfully innovated to

Charities still under strain two years on from the pandemic

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 18th November 2021 -  The pandemic has only exacerbated existing funding issues for charities, new research shows  Despite an increase in optimism about the broader Australian economic outlook, many

Let’s be frank. There is a power imbalance between philanthropic funders and fundees

Sean Barrett, Monday, 19th April 2021 -  Unless we find ways to address this imbalance – and funders get frank feedback on how they can improve their performance – building partnerships of equals will be difficult, writes


Going beyond the research

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 25th March 2021 -  Evidence-based research is a critical part of creating social change. But how do you make sure that your report actually has the impact you want it to? We take a look.  Each year, organisations
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