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Tag : Richard Di Natale

Charity Sector Draws ‘Line in the Sand’ with Foreign Interference Legislation

Luke Michael, Friday, 15th June 2018 -  The Australian charity sector has “drawn a line in the sand” and demanded that any foreign interference legislation meets a number of principles to protect issues-based advocacy.…

Senate Committee Says Further Regulatory Burden on Charities Unnecessary

Luke Michael, Thursday, 7th June 2018 -  A Senate committee report into the political influence of donations has stated there is “no justification” for imposing a further regulatory burden on charities, but Coalition

Greens Call for Universal Basic Income

Luke Michael, Thursday, 5th April 2018 -  Greens leader Richard Di Natale has proposed a radical overhaul of Australia’s welfare system through the introduction of a universal basic income scheme, but critics believe this

Economist Warns Housing Affordability Issues Causing Wealth Inequality

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 25th October 2017 -  A leading economist has warned that declining home-ownership rates among younger people is a major contributor to rising inter-generational wealth inequality in Australia. Saul

National Gambling Reform On Shaky Ground

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th December 2013 -  Peak social services organisation UnitingCare Australia has expressed its deep disappointment in the Federal Coalition Government’s plan to scrap changes to the national…
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