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Tag : Rudd

Govt Urged To Extend Homeless Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th August 2012 -  Not for Profit organisations have called on the Federal Government to extend its funding of the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) beyond the end of this financial…

Report on Gambling Released

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 23rd June 2010 -  The Rudd Government says it will support key reforms to minimise the harm caused by problem gambling as recommend by the Productivity Commission. The Government has released the…

Rudd Government Confirms Financial Support for Volunteering Australia

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd December 2009 -   The current funding was due to expire for the national peak body at the end of December with the announcement of new funding from January 1st coming just in time. In a joint statement…
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