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Tag : Salvation Army

The rise and rise of op shops

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 27th February 2023 -  Are op shops still worth it for charities? Pro Bono News investigates. “I love your outfit!” “Thanks, it’s vintage!” Second-hand shopping is having a resurgence, as savvy shoppers

No spare change: How charities, buskers and beggars aren’t feeling so festive in our cashless society

Contributor, Monday, 21st December 2020 -  Christmas is traditionally a time of giving, including to charities and the needy. But what happens when so few of us carry cash anymore? Collectors for the Paralympic Games carried

‘Be prepared and be brave’: The Salvos reveal how they prepare for cyber attack

Justin Flower, Monday, 9th November 2020 -  How does a large NFP operate from a cyber risk perspective? Justin Flower from InfoTrust sits down with the Salvation Army’s executive manager of cybersecurity to find out. A recent

Newstart Recipients Living on $17 a Day After Accommodation Costs

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 23rd May 2018 -  The Salvation Army has urged the federal government to raise the level of Newstart, after new research revealed the average recipient was living on just $17 a day after accommodation

Religious Freedom Review Reignites Discrimination Exemptions Debate

Luke Michael, Friday, 18th May 2018 -  The Religious Freedom Review’s completion has prompted calls to remove religious exemptions from discrimination laws, but the Salvation Army has warned exemptions are necessary

Labor Promises Homeless Strategy As Brendan Nottle Reaches Parliament

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 17th October 2017 -  Labor has vowed to take up a national homelessness strategy to the next election in response to Major Brendan Nottle of the Salvation Army completing his 40-day, 700-kilometre walk…

Donation Point Taps will be used in Large Scale Fundraising Drive

Wendy Williams, Friday, 19th May 2017 -  In an Australian first, a charity is using Donation Point Taps on a large scale to collect donations. The Salvation Army has announced it will be establishing more than 550 Donation…

Celebrity Charities Just Compete With All Other Charities – So Why Start One?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st January 2017 -  Charities, like all brands, are in a constant battle for attention write Margaret Faulkner and Cathy Nguyen, senior research associates at Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University

Disadvantaged Aussies Living on $17 a Day – Salvos Report

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 25th May 2016 -  A new Salvation Army report revealed “disturbing new statistics on the level of poverty in Australia”, showing that some disadvantaged Australians are living on just $17 a day. “The…

The Costs of Youth Homelessness in Australia

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 28th April 2016 -  A Not for Profit funded landmark Australian study has found that early intervention in preventing homelessness could save more than $600 million per year in youth justice and health


Legal Lifeline for Those in Need

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st July 2015 -  An award-winning social enterprise offering “last resort” legal services to those in need was sparked by the generosity of a lone Salvation Army volunteer, writes

Building Awareness Key to Donation Success – Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 17th February 2015 -  Two major Australian charities, St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) and The Smith Family have increased their “unprompted awareness” by more than 50 per cent in just four years,…
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