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Tag : Senate inquiry

Mental Health of Jobseekers Suffers Under Government Program

Luke Michael, Friday, 2nd November 2018 -  The federal government’s outsourced jobseeker program is a “special kind of hell” for welfare recipients with mental health issues, a Senate inquiry has heard. Jobactive has imposed

Govt Urged to Reconsider Royal Commission for People with Disability

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 6th December 2017 -  A motion calling on the government to “reconsider” and commit to a royal commission into the violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability in institutional and residential

Welfare Reform Bill Faces Fierce Backlash at Senate Inquiry

Luke Michael, Thursday, 31st August 2017 -  The Turnbull government’s controversial Welfare Reform bill has faced a fierce backlash from health experts and welfare groups, who have expressed concerns about a lack of evidence…

Centrelink Auto-Debt Recovery Warnings Ignored

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 8th March 2017 -  A senate inquiry into Centrelink’s controversial auto-debt recovery from welfare recipients has been told the system created a serious climate of fear and distress and the federal…

Senate Inquiry into Centrelink’s Auto-Debt Recovery System

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 9th February 2017 -  The Greens and Labor have secured support for a Senate inquiry into the government’s controversial Centrelink automated debt recovery system. “The automated debt recovery system

Labor Calls for Senate Inquiry Into Centrelink Robo-Debt ‘Debacle’ as Pensioners Targeted

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 18th January 2017 -  Labor will push for a Senate inquiry into the Centrelink robo-debt “debacle” when Parliament returns in February after revelations that the automated system will start targeting

NFPs Protest Lifetime Ban on Refugee Visas

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 15th November 2016 -  The Uniting Church in Australia has described as “immoral” the proposed legislation for a lifetime ban on visas for refugees who have arrived by boat since 2013. UnitingJustice Australia

Aged Care Workforce Inquiry Looks at Training and Staffing

Lina Caneva, Monday, 31st October 2016 -  Training inconsistencies, accreditation needs and future staffing levels in the aged care workforce have been highlighted in public hearings being held by a parliamentary inquiry

Greens to Re-Open Inquiry Into Restraining People With Cognitive Impairment in Detention

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 3rd August 2016 -  Western Australia’s re-elected Greens Senator Rachel Siewert will move to restart an inquiry into the indefinite detention of people with cognitive impairment.
Siewert, whose

Xenophon Calls for Aged Care Funding Inquiry

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 23rd June 2016 -  Independent South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has called for a Senate inquiry into aged care funding, condemning the two major parties for their federal election mandate on

Unaffordable Housing Drives Homelessness: Senate Enquiry

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th September 2014 -  Homelessness is on the rise due to a severe shortage of affordable housing, according to a Melbourne housing and homelessness agency. HomeGround Services Chief Executive Officer…

Senate Hearings Into Affordable Housing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 -  The first public hearings have begun into the Senate Inquiry into Affordable Housing. The Inquiry has received 218 submissions from peak Not for Profits bodies as well as individual…
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