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Tag : Services

Report Points to Six Areas of Competition Reform for Human Services

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 22nd September 2016 -  Greater competition, contestability and informed user choice could improve outcomes in many, but not all, Australia human services, according to a preliminary report by the Productivity

National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd July 2015 -  An eleventh-hour signing of a five year national partnership agreement on legal assistance services will see Community Legal Centres included for the first time but the sector has…

New Disability Employment Model Needed

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd June 2015 -  The Federal Government is spending around $1 billion on disability employment services every year, but only a third of the people supported by these services will find a job. Assistant

NFP Benchmarking Project Revealed

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 8th January 2015 -  Quality back-of-house services in Australian Not for Profits require a dedicated level of investment, according to a three year benchmarking project. A consortium of 12 Australian…

Asia-Pacific Consumers Most Committed to CSR – Report

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th July 2014 -  Fifty-five per cent of global online consumers across 60 countries say they are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive…

NFP Grants Services Map

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -  The Federal Government has developed a Grants Services Map to illustrate the types of services available for funding in the current application process through the Department of…


Radio Heads – Where Young People Run the Show

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  An iconic youth-focused media production Not for Profit has managed to keep radio "sexy’" and move from strength to strength through its own model of income generation,

NFP Funding Reaches Crisis Point

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th April 2014 -  Nine out of 10 Not for Profit organisations have no guarantee of Federal Government funding for key services beyond June this year and more than 60 per cent are having to let staff go…

No Compulsory Pro Bono Legal Work – PC report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th April 2014 -  A draft Productivity Commission report on Access to Justice Arrangements has indicated that that it does not consider ‘compulsion’ as an appropriate means of bolstering…


Privatising The Royal Mail – Lessons for Australia Post?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th March 2014 -  If the Commonwealth Government is intent on selling off Australia Post, then one of the lessons from the UK experience is to make sure that the Australian taxpayer is not short changed,

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Will Your Systems Make or Break You?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 -  With new Government funding reforms including the National Disability Insurance Scheme being introduced, the Not for Profit sector is now required to have more transparency and

Tracking Corporate Disaster Relief from the Head to the Heart

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  Globally, there is now a near-universal demand for corporate aid in the aftermath of natural disasters.  Nadia Boyce looks at the hyper sensitive issues around the emotions
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