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Tag : Smartphone App

Show and Ask App Tackles Workplace Bullying

Wendy Williams, Monday, 22nd May 2017 -  A new smartphone app is being developed to help tackle workplace bullying and equip employees with expert assistance at the touch of a button. The Fairness Toolkit, which is centered

NFP App Program Empowers Youth

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 30th September 2014 -  An app development program that aims to empower young people to use technology as a tool for positive social change has been launched by the Foundation for Young Australians and Samsung…

Find a Lawyer Smartphone App

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd November 2012 -  The Law Society of NSW has launched what it describes as Australia’s first mobile app providing access to the state’s more than 24,000 solicitors. The President of the…
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