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Tag : Social Leadership Australia

The Benevolent Society Steps Back From Social Leadership

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 27th June 2017 -  A social enterprise, which was launched in 1999 by Australia’s first charity, The Benevolent Society, to create better leadership for a better Australia, is set to close after almost

Lead Your Collaborations To Success

Contributor, Tuesday, 20th June 2017 -  Join Social Leadership Australia for a two day Art & Skill of Collaboration Masterclass. Collaboration seems to be the magic word. We often hear “collaboration” talked about

Gain a Fresh Perspective on Your Challenges

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th April 2017 -  Join Social Leadership Australia for an Adaptive Leadership Masterclass in Sydney this May. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, a fresh, more dynamic approach to

Sydney Leadership – Developing Purposeful Leaders

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th November 2016 -  Applications for Sydney Leadership 2017 are closing on Wednesday 7 December. Invest in yourself and create significant change in your work and life with the Sydney Leadership program.

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The Importance of Social Leadership in the Corporate World

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 7th October 2015 -  In order to work in a complex environment and bring about change, leadership demands that we learn to work more authentically to create more purposeful enterprises that benefit individuals,

Scholarships Open For NFP Leaders

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 -  Social Leadership Australia is calling for talented NFP executives and future leaders, who are driven to tackle complex social issues but don’t have the means to finance their…

Collective Impact – Revolutionising Social Change

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  While cooperative approaches are not new to the Not for Profit sector, many people are realising the way they have been working isn’t getting the results they hoped for, a national…


Collaboration is Subversive

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  The wish for collaboration rarely sees translation into reality writes, Geoff Aigner, Director of Social Leadership Australia at The Benevolent Society, which is co-host of Collective

Why We Need to Learn to Work Politically – Upcoming Masterclass

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th October 2013 -  A new masterclass on learning to work politically (23-25 October 2013) will be led by Liz Skelton, Principal Consultant, Social Leadership Australia and co-author, The Australian…


To Work Politically, Dive Deeper

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  All organisations are political environments, with everyone acting on behalf of something that matters to them. How this plays out is often unstated but working with it requires
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