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Tag : Submission

Our royal commission is not yet a safe place for people with disability

Emma Bennison, Wednesday, 6th November 2019 -  Emma Bennison, CEO of Blind Citizens Australia, reflects on her experience putting together a submission to the royal commission and the support – or lack thereof – she received.


Reforming or Redecorating?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 2nd August 2018 -  Public service reform in Australia seems like a constantly moving weather front, lots of clouds, the occasional flash of lightning or thunder, but bringing no rain and little change

NFP Submissions on Whistleblower Protections

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 15th February 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector is supportive of whistleblower protections, but not if a new set of obligations are imposed on the sector without due consultation and consideration,…

Welfare Blueprint to End Poverty in Victoria

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th March 2015 -  The Victorian Council of Social Service has released its 2015-16 State Budget submission, describing it as a social blueprint to build a Victoria without poverty. Building a Victoria

Govt Hiding ACNC Report Card – Labor

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 9th October 2014 -  The Federal Opposition is calling on Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews to release findings from a consultation process that could determine the future of the national charity…

Aus Inquiry Urged to Promote Social Investment

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th April 2014 -  Social sector advocates are urging the Federal Government to look at new ways to promote social investment in Australia as part of its inquiry into the financial system.   In…

Seniors Clash Over Budget Assistance

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th February 2014 -  Two major seniors organisations have clashed over what they want the Federal Government to deliver in the upcoming Federal Budget. The National Seniors consumer lobby organisation,…

ACOSS Delivers Federal Budget Proposal

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th February 2014 -  Welfare peak body, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has urged the Federal Government to deliver on its promise to put the nation's Budget on a fair and sustainable…

Multi-million Dollar Plan to Tackle Homelessness

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th January 2014 -  A Victorian homelessness peak body has called for the State Government to invest $54 million over four years to get rough sleepers off the street. In its pre-Budget submission, the…

Government Role to Promote Workplace Giving

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th December 2012 -  The Australian Charities Fund has called for a co-ordinated, government-funded national campaign to promote workplace giving to employers, employees and Deductible Gift Recipients…

Ombudsman Needed to Resolve Trust Fee Disputes

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th December 2012 -  Sector peak body, Philanthropy Australia has called for the creation of an independent ombudsman with statutory powers to resolve fee disputes between licensed trustee companies…

International Aid Needs Team Approach – ACFID

Staff Reporter, Friday, 20th January 2012 -  Flickr image:      
Some rights reserved by DFID – UK Department for International Development The Australian Council for International…
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