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Tag : Supported employment

We need heart in the conversation about social inclusion

Amy Clark, Wednesday, 1st February 2023 -  In the discussion about inclusivity, people living with intellectual disability are being left out of the conversation, says Amy Clark.  There’s no question Australia needs to

Survey finds employees enjoy supported employment

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 25th January 2023 -  Advocates warn any reform of supported employment should include the voices of those who work there. Removing supported employment in its current form “would override the career

Australians Encouraged To Have Their Say on Future of Supported Employment

Luke Michael, Friday, 8th December 2017 -  People with disability and those involved in the disability and employment sectors have been encouraged to have their say on the future of supported employment, with the release

Govt Puts Funds Towards Disability Wage Arrangements

Lina Caneva, Monday, 25th August 2014 -  The Federal Government has announced $173 million to help the supported employment sector work towards new wage arrangements for disability employees currently working in Australian…

Supported Employment Discussion Paper

Lina Caneva, Monday, 19th July 2010 -    Just one day before announcing a Federal election, the Gillard Government released a discussion paper on ways to improve support for Australians with severe or profound disability
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