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Tag : Syria

The Path to Australia

Wendy Williams, Monday, 26th June 2017 -  Omar Al Kassab is a Syrian refugee who escaped with his family to Australia, where he has returned to his studies, become a Scout leader and  an inspirational TED speaker. He is this

Australia Must Triple Its Humanitarian Intake, Oxfam Says

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 19th August 2016 -  International aid agency Oxfam said Australia must triple its “shameful” intake of asylum seekers and refugees within five years, to 42,000, to help address the global humanitarian

NFP To Coordinate Refugee Safe Haven Hub in Tasmania

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 7th July 2016 -  Not for Profit welfare agency CatholicCare has been selected by the Tasmanian Government to establish and coordinate additional multicultural support services for new refugees

Syrian Refugee Employment Plan Unveiled

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 21st December 2015 -  The Turnbull Government has funded six Not for Profit organisations to help asylum seekers find jobs and integrate into the Australian economy and community. Minister for Social…

Australian Charities Funding Terrorism Warning

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 2nd April 2015 -  The national charity regulator, the ACNC, has issued a warning after a new report revealed that some Australian-based charities and Not for Profits have been exploited by terrorist…

Syria Crisis Reveals Rise in Digital Giving

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd April 2013 - 
Picture: More than half the money donated directly to the UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) for the Syria Crisis Appeal has come via digital sources delivering…

International Aid for Syria Exceeds Targets

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st January 2013 - 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses opening of the International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe  Countries and regional organisations,…
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