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Tag : Taxation


Court Decision Points the Way to DGR Category Simplification

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -    Once it is accepted that the judgement of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in matter of Commissioner of Taxation v Hunger Project Australia (2014) extends to

NDIS Levy Confirmed

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 30th April 2013 -  The Federal Government has confirmed it will increase the Medicare levy to cover the cost of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed…

Charity Regulator to Clash with State Regulators

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st July 2012 -  Given the history of Commonwealth/State relations in Australia there is "buckley's" of creating a "one-stop-shop" on reporting requirements for Australian…

New Amendment Shores Up NFP Payroll Tax Loophole

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  New tax laws have come into effect in Victoria to stop charities trying to take advantage of a loophole created by a Federal Court decision on payroll tax exemptions. From 1 July 2012…

Time to Address Charities for Indigenous Peoples

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 - 
Australian indigenous people face difficulties establishing difficulties The introduction of a charity regulator is an opportune time for Australia to follow New Zealand’s…

New Income Tax Guide for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 - 
Photo: The Australian Tax Office has released a new version of its Income Tax Guide for Not for Profit organisations in preparation for the start of the Australian…

Defining, Taxing & Regulating NFPs in the 21st Century

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th July 2012 - 
David Bradbury MP speaking at Melbourne University The Federal Assistant Treasurer has warned of the consequences of the Coalition policy to retain the regulatory powers of the…

Govt Revises ACNC Draft Legislation

Staff Reporter, Friday, 6th July 2012 -  The Gillard Government has made major revisions to the draft legislation around the new Charity Regulator, the ACNC. The revised legislation will go to the House of Representatives…

Carbon Tax Relief for Aviation and Maritime Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th June 2012 -  The Gillard Government has launched a Charities Maritime and Aviation Support (CMAS) Program to provide carbon tax relief to Not for Profits in the air and sea rescue sector. The Government's…

Trust Funds for Charitable Purposes – High Court Rules

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 10th May 2012 -  A recent High Court decision delivers a salutary lesson that trustees of charitable funds must ensure that the trust’s funds are applied for the purposes for which the trust…

ATO Calls for NFPs to Update Their Details

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th April 2012 -  The Australian Tax Office has called on organisations that are endorsed as tax concession charities to update their details before the new charity regulator begins operation. In…

Government Starts Consultation On Rewriting Trust Income Tax Provisions

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th November 2011 -  The Federal Government has released a consultation paper as part of a move to update the taxation of trusts, including charitable trusts. The Government says it is updating and rewriting…
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