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Tag : The social Outfit

Aussies wearing the change this Refugee Week

Luke Michael, Friday, 19th June 2020 -  An ethical fashion styling challenge is showcasing the best in sustainable clothing Australians working from home have been bringing some colour and style to their daily Zoom calls

Pro bono support helps social enterprises shift gears in response to COVID-19

Contributor, Tuesday, 12th May 2020 -  A new collaboration between Westpac Foundation, Social Impact Hub and Social Traders is providing valuable pro bono support to social enterprises, with over 50 enterprises already

Good Fit for Change in Western Sydney

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th November 2013 -  A fashion-based social enterprise model that has proven a massive success in Melbourne has landed in Sydney and is proving a success in its own right. Linda Jackson, Ken Done, The Social
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    Volunteering and Contact ACT is both the peak body for volun...

    Volunteering and Contact ACT

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