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Tag : Toby Hall

NFP Commits to New Opportunities for Indigenous Workforce

Wendy Williams, Friday, 9th December 2016 -  The nation’s largest Catholic not-for-profit health and aged care provider has committed to increasing its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce to 500 by 2020, in a bid

NFP Survey Warning – Canary in the Coal Mine for Government

Lina Caneva, Monday, 8th September 2014 -  Not for Profit leaders have called on the Federal Government to heed the findings of a national survey into the attitudes of Australian charities towards Tony Abbott’s first…

Mission Australia Appoints New CEO

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th February 2014 -  One of Australia’s largest Christian community service organisations, Mission Australia has appointed a new CEO, with long time chief executive Toby Hall handing over the…

Higher Employment Priority for People With Disability

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th June 2013 -  Concrete measures must be taken to lift Australia from its woeful record of 21 out of 29 OECD countries for employment of people with disability, according to the Australia Network…


Bailing Out With a Broken Bucket

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th April 2013 -  What Australia needs is a review that tackles the complexity of the income support system including how it interacts with the tax system, our approach to supporting disabled people

Agreement on Homelessness in Limbo

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th February 2013 -  National welfare Not for Profit Mission Australia has warned that vital support to thousands of vulnerable and homeless Australians is in limbo, while a crucial funding agreement…

Homeless Children Left in the Cold by Patchwork Reform

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th October 2011 -  One of the country’s largest providers of accommodation and support services for homeless people says Australia’s homeless children are being let down by a patchwork…

Is There a Better Approach to Remote Aboriginal Communities?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th October 2011 - 

With social and economic indicators showing that Government spending is doing little to assist Aboriginal Australians, Mission Australia CEO and CSI Blog Contributor Toby Hall
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