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Tag : Toyota

Businesses on notice as ACCC sweeps covers off greenwashing

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 3rd March 2023 -  The ACCC will investigate after uncovering evidence of widespread greenwashing. The ACCC has indicated it’s not taking any prisoners after an internet sweep for greenwashing activity

Sweden Shifting to Six Hour Workday

Ellie Cooper, Monday, 5th October 2015 -  In 2009 the Australia Institute found that people were working more hours than ever before, with then Director, Dr Clive Hamilton, saying that Australians worked the most hours in…

Toyota Shutdown to Impact Community Resources

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 11th February 2014 -  Governments will need to ensure that community organisations working with those affected by the Toyota shutdown are able to access appropriate resources to meet an expected increased…

Early Results from Australia’s First CSV study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th November 2013 -  Preliminary findings from Australia’s first study into Creating Shared Value (CSV) have been released at the CSV Forum in Melbourne. The study, The Potential for Creating

Employee Involvement Crucial in CSR

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  Toyota Motor Corporation Public Affairs Manager Katarina Persic shared insights into how the car giant develops partnerships and makes decisions when it comes to community and…
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