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Tag : Treasury

Sector slams ‘haphazard’ approach to budget lock-up

Luke Michael, Friday, 29th March 2019 -  Community groups say they will not be silenced by the federal government despite a move from Treasury to reduce the sector’s presence in this year’s budget lock-up.   Social sector

New Overseas Standards to Protect Australian Charities From Criminal Misuse

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th August 2018 -  Australian charities working overseas will face new conduct standards aimed at preventing organisations from “being misused by a criminal organisation”. The Treasury released


How to Survive the NDIS Cash Crunch

Scott Girdlestone, Wednesday, 11th April 2018 -  To succeed and thrive under the National Disability Insurance Scheme a fundamental rethink in the way CFOs do business is required, writes wealth advisory director Scott Girdlestone.

ACNC Review Panel and Terms of Reference Released

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th December 2017 -  The terms of reference and the panel for the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s (ACNC) five year statutory review have been announced by Treasury. The Australian

Investing in Our Future and the Role of New Capital Markets

David Crosbie, Thursday, 16th February 2017 -  If Australia wants impact investing to work better, the charity sector needs to be actively involved in the critical discussions, including the current government consultation

NFPs Call for Unclaimed Monies Fund

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 -  Australia’s "unclaimed monies" should be used to create a capital fund to support investments in the Not for Profit sector, a submission to the Federal Government…

FBT Threat to NFPs Disappointing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  Budget speculation that the Federal Government has set its sights on changes to Fringe Benefit Tax packages is disappointing given that the Not for Profit sector has been told by Treasury…

Govt Releases Charity Definition Draft Legislation

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th April 2013 -  What's in a name? The Federal Government has released its long awaited exposure draft legislation for a statutory definition of 'charity' in Australia. And it appears…

Carbon Tax Relief for Aviation and Maritime Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th June 2012 -  The Gillard Government has launched a Charities Maritime and Aviation Support (CMAS) Program to provide carbon tax relief to Not for Profits in the air and sea rescue sector. The Government's…

Working Group to Investigate NFP Tax Concessions

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th February 2012 -  The Federal Government has announced the membership and terms of reference of a new working group that will consider the support currently provided through tax concessions to the…

Changes to GST Laws for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st October 2010 -  The Federal Treasury has released exposure draft legislation outlining changes to improve the administration of the GST law as it relates to 'non-profit sub-entities'.…
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