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Tag : Unemployed

New Budget Standards Show Australia’s Social Safety Net is Inadequate

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 24th August 2017 -  Australian jobseekers relying on unemployment benefits cannot afford a basic standard of living, according to a new report, which is giving rise to calls from the social sector for

Challenges Grow in School to Work Transition – NFP Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2015 -  Young Australians are finding it harder to make the transition from school into full time work, according to new data released by the Foundation for Young Australians. The FYA’s Annual…

Ten Job Seekers Per Vacancy: A Reality Check on Welfare Overhaul

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 - 
It turns out that the policies for under 30s in the Federal Budget in May were a precursor to a much wider set of changes affecting unemployed people

Call for Urgent Change to Govt Employment Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st August 2013 -  Australia’s current system of employment services – Job Services Australia (JSA) – could work much more effectively for people who are experiencing social…

Volunteering Boosts Employment Opportunities – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th June 2013 -  A new US report from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) has found unemployed people who volunteer have a better chance at job opportunities. The study, Volunteering
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